Wren Circle & Swan Street - Street Project No. 2021-1

Spring 2022 - Final items needing completion/remediation compiled. Items to be completed summer 2022.

Bid Announcement - The bidding process for this project is being facilitated by Moore Engineering. Bid Information

* March 23, 2021 - City Council approves Resolution 2021-09 Approving Plans and Specs and Ordering Advertisement for Bids
February 8, 2021 - City Council approves Resolution 2021-08 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans.

January 11, 2021 - Council holds public hearing, receives comment from 1 of 6 property owners.

* December 14, 2020 - City Council receives Revised Preliminary Engineering Report/Feasibility Report and Calls for a Hearing on the Project to be held January 11, 2021, and approves Letter of Agreement with Moore Engineering for the project. City Council approves Resolution 2020-39 - Ordering preparation of Report on Improvement and Resolution 2020-40 Receiving Feasibility Report.

November 9, 2020 - Council discusses estimated costs with property owners and fairest way to distribute project costs. Decides to special assess 100% of project, calling for a revision of the Preliminary Engineering Report and approving Moore Engineering move forward with surveying.

October 23, 2020 - Letters mailed to property owners notifying them of ROUGH COST ESTIMATES and date and time of public hearing.
October 12, 2020 - Council receives estimates for curb/gutter vs gravel road. Decides to mail notices to property owners and invite them to give comment at November meeting.
*September 28, 2020  - Meeting held to hear from property owners on project - 2 letters read of the 6 affected property owners. Council requests cost estimates for curb and gutter vs gravel road.

September 16, 2020 - Letters mailed to property owners notifying them of prospective improvement options and date and time of public interest meeting for them to voice comments.

* September 14, 2020 - Council receives Preliminary Engineering Report. Discusses cos, owner interest, options. Decision to hold public interest meeting on September 28, 2020.

* May 11, 2020 - Council receives and approves Preliminary Engineering Report Proposal.

Spring 2020 - City notified that property owner of lots on Wren Circle is selling lots. Upon receiving inquiries as to water and sewer availability, begins exploring improvement options.